You can buy an item at full price OR at a discounted price. To get it at a discount price, you can join in the other people trying to buy the item and finish the purchase or make the payment and then invite a friend to also make the purchase.

After paying, you can invite friends by sharing on WeChat, QQ, QZone, QR code, image or with a voice note. The order isn't shipped to you till the required number of people buy it with you.

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Pinduoduo (拼多多)

Sharing experience
Profile and more tab
Card Gamification: Category Cards
Card Gamification: Overview
Card Gamification: Behaviour Cards
Top level navigation tabs
Home page elements
Product screen: Overview
Card Gamification: Function Cards
Daily check ins
Mini app in WeChat
New user experience and onboarding
Product screen: Sections
App Store Screenshots

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Payments & Checkout

Paying credit card bill
Purchase checkout
Reserve Table
Checkout experience